Law of Attraction Physics Explanation

The human brain is a network of approximately 100 billion neurons. Different experiences create different neural connections which bring about different emotions and depending on which neural get stimulated. Certain connections become stronger and more efficient while others may become weaker. This is what's called neuroplasticity. Someone who tries to be a musician will create stronger neural connections at the link the two hemispheres of the brain in order to be musically creative.

Virtually any sort of talent or skill can be created through training. There was a self-admitted hopeless student used to fail at basic math and went on to trade his abilities and became a famous human calculator capable of performing extremely complex mathematics rationality and emotional.

Resilience work the same way these are neural connections that can be strengthened whatever you are doing at any time you are physically modifying your brain to become better. Since this is such a fondational mechanism of the brain being self-aware in greatly enrich your life experience.

Specific neurons and new transmitters can trigger a defensive. State when we feel that our faults have to be protected from the influence of others. If we are then confronted with differences in opinion, the chemicals that are released in the brain are the same ones that try to ensure our survival in dangerous situations. In this defensive state the more primitive part of the brain interferes with rational
thinking and the limbic system can knock out most of our working memory, physically causing narrow-mindedness. We see this in the politics of fear in the strategy of a poker players or simply when someone is stubborn in a discussion

Social psychology often looks at the basic human need to fit in and calls this the normative social influence. When we grow up our moral and ethical compass is almost entirely forged by our
environment, so our actions are often a result of the validation we get from society.

The new developments in neuroscience are giving us a better understanding of culture and identity recent neurological research has confirmed the existence of empathetic. Scientist runs when we experience an emotion or perform an action specific neurons fire but when we observe someone else performing this action, or when we imagined it. Many of the same neurons will fire again as if we were performing the action ourselves. These empathy neurons connect us to other people, allowing us to feel what others feel. And since these neurons respond to our imagination We can experience the emotional feedback from them as if it came from someone else. This system is what allows us to self-reflect.

The mirror neuron does not know the difference between it and others and it's a reason why we are so dependent of social validation and why we want to in.

We are in a constant condition between how we see ourselves and how others see us. It is resulting confusion in terms of self-esteem. And brain scans show that we experience these negative emotions even before we are realize but when we are self-aware we can alter misplaced emotions. Because we control the thoughts that caused him.

Most of our thoughts and actions are impulsive and the idea that we are randomly reacting and not making conscious choices is instinctively frustrating.  The brain results by creating
explanations for our behavior and physically rewriting it into our memories through memory reconsolidation make us believe that we were in control of our actions.

This is also called backward rationalization and it can be even most of our negative emotions and resolved and ready to be triggered at any time. They become constant fuel to our confusion as our brain will keep trying to justify why we behaved irrationally.

So every reality we face are product from we thought and we react. Imagine what if we can rewire all neuron to help us achieve our goal, i'm sure we can re-shape our reality. That is my Law of Attraction Physics Explanation. If you want to learn how to apply law of attraction effortlessly read my other article here or watch this video. Thanks for reading :)

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