Manifesting Law of Attraction with Self Hypnosis

On this recording I will guide you into manifesting anything you can imagine. You should do the session when you're alone in a quiet room, not driving or doing anything else, just focusing on my voice.

To begin I'd like you to choose an intention. What do you want, what would you like to manifest: money, love wealth, health, everything. For now choose just one thing. You can do this manifestation process as much as you like but every time you do it.

Let’s begin law of attraction hypnosis please make yourself as comfortable as possible. And in the next few moments we are going to send our mind body and focus our energy and manifesting our innermost desires.

Take a deep breath and begin to relax, just allow your body to relax your mind and body are letting go, any outside sounds that you hear during this session will help to keep you in the present moment. Although we want to do and achieve is going to be created in this present moment not in the past not in the future. 

For the next few moments let go of the world around you as you know it right now. When you come back the world around you will have changed for the better.

Just continue breathing deeply and slowly at this moment right. Now imagine a stream of radiant light coming down into the top of your head and opening up that energy center in your mind. Glowing brighter more radiant filling your mind with positive energy, you can see feel and sense this bright light of positive energy travelling down your spine opening all the energy centers inside your spine. 

Just see it feel it and be sensitive you are now manifesting law of attraction. Now in larger increase the flow of positive energy, now imagine that this bright light of positive energy is shining forth from the center of your chest which is your heart center just expand it out radiate and send this energy into everything and everyone. Remember any outside sounds that you hear during the session are there simply to remind you to stay in the moment.

You’re bringing forth your full potential in this moment. Becoming all that you can and want to be. You know that your power comes from believing. By believing it so you create it. So I realize that now in this moment not in the future but now. Whatever you want comes easily and it is brought to you in the fastest and most loving way. It is being created with the positive energy that you're sending out. 

In this moment it's here now this is happening now the positive energy that you send out will come back to you in the best and most loving ways. For whatever we send out, we create in our experience understand and believe that the people circumstances and conditions in the world around you have already changed.

This very moment just believe that it's happening now. So no need to look for evidence we know, it has already happened in the present.

Right now in this moment sending out positive energy into the world to all space and time bringing back in the best possible way. All that you create all that you need and all that you want to experience in this life it has already been created just let it go and let it be. Breathe deeply and continue to relax realizing that every thought that you think has its own energetic vibration frequency.

Everything is created through energetic vibration. You are now sending out the energetic vibration of your intention because you’re clear on what you want nothing is more important than focusing on what you want when you focus on what you want.

You’re taking the path of least resistance. You must know believe and understand that you're creating what you call your future in this moment. See it is already here it's already formed around you see it in this moment feeling a sense it visualize it in this moment right now.

You realize that the law of attraction has been activated at this moment it's magnetizing your desire and bring it forth to you just trust the law of works perfectly every time.

Hi and welcome to my another experience with law of attraction. Today we're going to talk about the law of attraction whether or not it's real or whether or not it's maybe not so real. And look the proponents of the law of attraction they say it's true, they say that you can literally you think a thought and the universe will conspire everything and the universe will shift to make your thought turn into reality.

Ok if you actually read some of these books if they take it to the extreme they literally say if you think a thought, you are creator, you are creating the universe with your thoughts. I don't agree 100% with this theory but i'm not saying i'm not agree too.

So is the law of attraction scientifically proven?

The book said if you think something it is going to come to pass right and the universe is going to shift in a way to make it true. Now on the other side the proponents think it's absolutely hogwash right? They think this maybe it doesn't work at all.

A lot of people just think it's completely you know not true at all but some people think that maybe it does work, but it's a function of probability. As a function of probability I'll explain that in a second.

I would say that the reality is somewhere right in the middle. Ok so let me tell you a quick story when I first I grew up in Canada and when I first moved to the united states i moved to los angeles in 1998 and i bought a dark green Volkswagen Jetta at the time.

Los Angeles have a lot freeways, I was driving around all the time in a given day I probably saw 10,000 cars right on average maybe more. Now i bought the volkswagen jetta and all of a sudden what did I see everywhere I looked solid volkswagen Genesis, they were everywhere. I couldn't believe I never noticed that there were so many Jettas. Maybe this has happened to you. But these Jetta were come out of no where or they already there before? Of course they were there before but I didn't notice them before.

Now why did i notice them i noticed them because there was a focus of a volkswagen jetta in my head. Because I now own one, I was more aware of them. So my subconscious mind noticed all the other volkswagen jetta is that were out there.

This is the probability theory. Because I was focused on something, I saw it. It's over here, I saw over there is, it's everywhere. I couldn't believe how many places i saw them and they were everywhere.

I I wasn't focused on them it wouldn't have happened. And what so what the reality is this is the probability theory, right? That your subconscious mind is extraordinarily powerful, your subconscious mind they see what what's actually in your conscious mind. Even you're watching a video on a computer you've made roughly 10 million observations of what of everything around you it's all happening your subconscious mind.

The seat you're sitting in the room the temperature things on the wall, dirt on the floor, someone who walked down the hall and noise a cat anything. Right, your subconscious mind has noticed all those things. Meanwhile your conscious mind can only keep track of about 30 or 40 things at a time.

So your subconscious mind is extraordinarily powerful and it will notice things all around you that today you don't even know are there. If you train your mind to look for them and that's what the law of attraction is.

What is the law of attraction want you to do it wants you to think about what you want. Ok maybe you do a vision board where you put pictures of the things you want on a board or maybe you just visualized as different scenarios that you want to be. In at some point in the future you visualizing your head is it though they're real as if they've already happened, it's very important that you train your mind.

Your subconscious mind is going to start noticing all kinds of things that will actually help you get there in real life. It's not magic at all it's just training your mind and taking advantage of the power of your subconscious mind to help you in achieving the goals that you have for yourself and for your life. If you are really serious want to change your life with law of attraction i really recommend you to watch this video about destiny tuning, this is really really good product, click here to watch the video.

The human brain is a network of approximately 100 billion neurons. Different experiences create different neural connections which bring about different emotions and depending on which neural get stimulated. Certain connections become stronger and more efficient while others may become weaker. This is what's called neuroplasticity. Someone who tries to be a musician will create stronger neural connections at the link the two hemispheres of the brain in order to be musically creative.

Virtually any sort of talent or skill can be created through training. There was a self-admitted hopeless student used to fail at basic math and went on to trade his abilities and became a famous human calculator capable of performing extremely complex mathematics rationality and emotional.

Resilience work the same way these are neural connections that can be strengthened whatever you are doing at any time you are physically modifying your brain to become better. Since this is such a fondational mechanism of the brain being self-aware in greatly enrich your life experience.

Specific neurons and new transmitters can trigger a defensive. State when we feel that our faults have to be protected from the influence of others. If we are then confronted with differences in opinion, the chemicals that are released in the brain are the same ones that try to ensure our survival in dangerous situations. In this defensive state the more primitive part of the brain interferes with rational
thinking and the limbic system can knock out most of our working memory, physically causing narrow-mindedness. We see this in the politics of fear in the strategy of a poker players or simply when someone is stubborn in a discussion

Social psychology often looks at the basic human need to fit in and calls this the normative social influence. When we grow up our moral and ethical compass is almost entirely forged by our
environment, so our actions are often a result of the validation we get from society.

The new developments in neuroscience are giving us a better understanding of culture and identity recent neurological research has confirmed the existence of empathetic. Scientist runs when we experience an emotion or perform an action specific neurons fire but when we observe someone else performing this action, or when we imagined it. Many of the same neurons will fire again as if we were performing the action ourselves. These empathy neurons connect us to other people, allowing us to feel what others feel. And since these neurons respond to our imagination We can experience the emotional feedback from them as if it came from someone else. This system is what allows us to self-reflect.

The mirror neuron does not know the difference between it and others and it's a reason why we are so dependent of social validation and why we want to in.

We are in a constant condition between how we see ourselves and how others see us. It is resulting confusion in terms of self-esteem. And brain scans show that we experience these negative emotions even before we are realize but when we are self-aware we can alter misplaced emotions. Because we control the thoughts that caused him.

Most of our thoughts and actions are impulsive and the idea that we are randomly reacting and not making conscious choices is instinctively frustrating.  The brain results by creating
explanations for our behavior and physically rewriting it into our memories through memory reconsolidation make us believe that we were in control of our actions.

This is also called backward rationalization and it can be even most of our negative emotions and resolved and ready to be triggered at any time. They become constant fuel to our confusion as our brain will keep trying to justify why we behaved irrationally.

So every reality we face are product from we thought and we react. Imagine what if we can rewire all neuron to help us achieve our goal, i'm sure we can re-shape our reality. That is my Law of Attraction Physics Explanation. If you want to learn how to apply law of attraction effortlessly read my other article here or watch this video. Thanks for reading :)

I often wondered about the book let alone the law of attraction that needs to be read. Because really what many people headdress that one of the most important things you do in life is to become a reader. Reading books can help you to answer so many questions about life.

Law of attraction is an interesting topic and very important. And these materials are readily available anywhere, available in book form, available in a religious context, stories, scientific journals and also in modern books on self help. All of this valuable knowledge made in the various style  and delivered in a different history. All contain the same news that you are the creator of your own guide universe.

With so many books about the law of attraction are available, you may often think where I should start from? But that many books you can choose which is have the most secret and most exciting that you can use to manifest anything you want and anything you wish for. Therefore, I make three best books on the law of attraction.

But I do not put The Secret by Rhonda Byrne into the law of attraction books list because most of you would have ever read it. Because of this is law books attraction of today's most well-known throughout the world in recent years. We can thank this book because this book introduced us about this miraculous law of attraction in the modern era. And this book also comes with many testimonials and stories about the potential contained in the law of attraction. Actually the principles contained in this book have same principles with The Science of Getting Rich but already adjusted by our thinking, more modern. Perhaps this book can be regarded as the best law of attraction book for beginners.

Here the Top 3 Best Law of Attraction Books EVER:

1. The Secret Law of Attraction: Master the Power of Intention

Have you heard of the Law of Attraction, but felt confused about what it means and how it can work? Have you wondered how you can put it to use in the real world, but struggled to find guidance?

This book, “The Secret Law of Attraction – Master The Power of Intention”, includes dozens of practical tasks and exercises that you can start using immediately, all with the goal of promoting positive change, boosting your energy and helping you master the power of intention.

2. Wealth Beyond Reason – Bob Doyle

“Wealth Beyond Reason” was written for those who have a strong desire for Prosperity, and want it to come quickly and naturally. By taking a scientific approach to explaining the sometimes metaphysically-categorized “Law of Attraction”, anyone of any background can claim the Life they truly want to live, without limitations of any kind. Created with skeptics in mind, this book gives you a full understanding of nature’s most prevalent physical law, and shows you precisely how to purposefully utilize it in the you were intended: To create 100% of your Life experience, exactly as you most passionately desire!

3. “The Power Of Intention” – Dr. Wayne Dyer

Best-selling author and inspiration speaker Dr. Wayne Dyer is someone we highly recommend learning from when you are embarking on your law of attraction journey. Although in this book the word ‘attraction’ is replaced with ‘intention’ the meanings are still the same. The soothing qualities in this book are superb for readers looking to learn how to identify and drop negative aspects of their life
and shows the way forward to becoming a ‘creator’ of your own universe.

You can get all those book at amazon. But law attraction are quite hard to apply when all around you and all happened are not good. In simple explanation law of attraction a method of thinking that turned my life around from being in a deep dark hole with nowhere else to turn.  My mindset had to change direction which would enable me to think and perceive certain situations differently. Not easy to do and not easily explained. 

There have been hundreds of books. courses. seminars and websites teaching you how to apply the Law of Attraction. but a lot of them are often rehashed works from a century ago! 

There's nothing wrong with that because the Law of Attraction works. but it's the quality of teaching that can differ immensely 

I have read more than 30 books and taken countless courses all relating to the Law of Attraction including how to manifest our destiny manifesting wealth and believing in that huge universal energy that supplies us our most wanted I'm in a position to be able to review the worthy contenders for teaching this way of life and those that simply copy and paste from others hoping to get make a quick buck! 

So actually to exercise and apply law of attraction are quite easy after i learn about destiny tuning. You should watch this video and you will understand why LOA not works, but if you apply some tips from this video you can achieve your goal fast and effortlessly :)

The Secret lately really booming. Many writers who discuss about The Secret. The motivator also make this book as a reference in the training given. Rhonda Byrne had packed the Secret with an attractive appearance and easy to understand with examples from real stories some people who apply The Secret in their lives. Some of them attract money, some other attract their soulmate, etc.

You’ve certainly heard all about it before. In fact, you’ve almost certainly tried to implement it in your own life before. And, if you’re like over 95% of those who’ve tried it, you’ve failed miserably and long since given up!

Is Law of  Attraction Really a Law of Nature?

So how can you call it a “law” if it only works occasionally and much less than random chance? Well, that would be a valid criticism IF the law did not in fact work. However, as you go through this unique program you’re going to discover that the law has been working with 100%, mind-blowing consistency in your life all along. You see, the law is not the problem; the people trying to use it consciously in their lives are the problem (that would be people like you and me), and for a number of fascinating reasons.

Fortunately, all of the obstacles that stand between you personally and using the Law of Attraction fruitfully in your life can be eliminated or bypassed with rela­tive ease. There is secret behind the secret. After many failure and read many books law of attraction accidentally i watch video about destiny tuning and law of attraction. This video explain why law of attraction not always works and it's give some method called destiny tuning and with this method you can achieve your goal fast and effortless. So i try the method and... It WORKS :)

So this my My Law of attraction money Stories experience : By using a technique called destiny tuning from Heather Matthews. I got the job in accordance with my wishes. I get an education and a better career, I have traveled the world, some cities such as Paris, Amsterdam, Monaco, Dallas, St. Louis, Hunsville, Los Angeles, Sydney all financed by companies where I work for. With the same techniques that I getting a house, cars and various other facilities.

Manifestation Miracle is nothing but a simple revelation of some of the laws of the universe and how one can take advantage of these laws in his life. One such law is the Law of Attraction which says that we attract things from the universe. These things are both positive as well as negative. But by applying a few simple techniques, Heather says that it is possible to make this law of universe work for you. Most people find that there are always obstacles in their path and that luck does not favor them at crucial moments. However, things start to change when you apply the most popular destiny tuning technique after watch the video. Click here if you want to watch destiny tuning video from Heather Mathews.